Blogs (Page 1)
- Custom React Hooks for Shared APIs React hooks and the design patterns for custom hooks allow us to build contained and idiomatic APIs in React apps that are easier to test and improve code readability and maintenance.
- Project-specific Vim FZF Behavior Strategy for using project-specific configuration of FZF (fuzzy finding) in Vim.
- How To Not Get Stuck Getting stuck as a software engineer can be avoided through a few methodologies. And when we do still get stuck, the research we perform until that point is the starting point for a collaborative effort.
- Adding OAuth & OIDC to a Remix App Adding OAuth2 and OIDC to a Remix app is a straightfoward process that only requires a few simple steps. In this post, we're going to add OAuth2 and OIDC to a new Remix application from start to finish.
- Personal Runbooks Staying productive as a software engineer is a challenge made easier with effective tools.